
Showing posts from December, 2019

How To Move On After A Heartbreak

Whether you have just begun dating, or are ending a serious relationship, or even a marriage, a heartbreak can be difficult to deal with if you do not know what to do. You may experience different levels of heartbreak at different phases of your lives, but no matter where you are on the scale, dealing with it effectively, and moving on can not only save you a lot of misery, but also make you a more mature person. The three steps to effectively move on after a heartbreak are: distraction, observation, and introspection. Each step is a stairway to build a better you and get readier for the world out there. Distraction If you have just broken up today, you might not be in a mood to talk, hang out, read, or do any of the things you liked to do. You probably just want to curl up under a blanket and brood all day. While it is perfectly alright to shed a few tears and expel the negative energy from the body and the mind, there has to be a check to ensure you do not go overboard in feeli

How To Mack On Beautiful Girls

So you want to learn how to mack on girls do you? Understood... Macking on girls is one of the most rewarding pastimes for a man of any age. And here's the kicker, most guys can't mack worth a damn. So when you learn these mackin' skills you'll be like a king amongst men! First things first, you may be asking yourself "Isn't learning how to mack on girls the same as learning how to be a pick-up artist of "PUA"? Well Let me tell ya, there's a huge difference... You see, pick up artists focus on how to meet girls and get them attracted. Macks on the other hand focus on themselves. Macks focus on being the man 24-7 because they know that once they have truly ascended to the throne of Mackdom the women will be there waiting for them! So hopefully you are starting to see that being a mack is FAR superior than any sort of pick-up artist game that you could ever learn... Now that we have that straightened out, how does one become a mack an